Farmer's Daughter Wool Wash
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Get those woolens clean, silky, soft, and smooth! Made with natural lanolin and Castille soap, our wool wash helps your knits get to a natural state of softness. In a variety of scents made with pure natural oils. Original contains tea tree oil. No rinse formula.
Directions for use: Add 1 to 2 capfuls of Wool Wash to washtub or sink and fill with cool water. Add hand knit item and soak for 5 - 20 minutes. Agitate gently if item is soiled. Empty water and gently squeeze (do not wring) out excess water. Roll the item in a towel to remove additional moisture and block item. No rinse needed.
Another way we like to use our wool wash is by adding a tablespoon to a spray bottle and lightly spraying our woolens and stash yarn to keep any pesky bugs out!